Does your sales team or organization struggle with member follow-up?

Does Sales team or organization struggle with member follow-up?

Where does this process start, and who is responsible for the follow-up being handled correctly and as promised to the member? It starts at the top with the CEO, President, Regional VP, Directors, Sales Managers, and so forth.

Follow-up is not just a form of seeing how everyone is, and it’s about creating trust between the owner and the sales organization. When a member is told, “I will reach out tomorrow, or someone from our team will be in touch to help you.” and they drop the ball and fail to follow up – its a reflection not only on the person who promised to follow up but the entire organization. The snowball effect starts throughout the year when the member talks to other owners, friends, posts on social media, and finally comes back for an owner update. How many times have we heard the owner say, “The sales representative said they were going to be our contact and help us, and we never heard from them again.” What are the odds they will upgrade?

It’s hard to expect a salesperson to create a perfect follow-up process when the people above them, “The leaders,” don’t follow up on what they say they will do for the team or other situations. When you are in a leadership position, everything that happens around you or below you is 100% your fault – taking accountability for these actions is the first step in becoming a better leader!

Vacation Ownership Advisor Team