The top 1 % of sales professionals are process-driven and customer-focused. They are constantly learning and realize that their attitude is the first step to success; without a positive and goal-oriented mentality, no amount of hard work will get you to the top 1%, let alone be successful in any form.
Deciding to rise to the top 1% will, by nature, cause your daily routines to change, such as the time you wake up, whom you associate with, what you read, what your wear, how you treat others, and much more to change.
People say the top 1% are lucky or get special treatment; they are misunderstood and different. This sets them apart; they have enormous self-confidence, and their success did not happen overnight. They do not go to a job or work for them; it’s a lifestyle. They have made a mental choice to dominate their profession and love what they do.
Congratulations to Brittney Cotten of Vacations4you! for winning salesperson of the year at GNEX Conference Las Vegas 2022; you are the 1%, well-deserved!