Unfortunately, owners have nowhere to turn to understand all the ins and out of their ownership. When confusion arises, or a simple question arises, new and old members turn to social media groups. The impact can be highly damaging for the owner and resort developer. The experience may cause the owner to regret their purchase, preventing them from upgrading in the future and even stopping the owner from referring friends to become an owner.
VOA has identified and solved a critical missing step in the sales process. VOA provides a direct contact point for the owner and a service that helps owners better understand, use, plan, and get the most value when using their ownership from the day of purchase throughout the entire year. VOA has a multi-step process to ensure the owners are contacted, updated on new benefits, and offered assistance, starting with a minimum of 17 touchpoints by phone over a 365 period.
This process is called Vacation Ownership Portfolio Management, and developers are currently offering this service and seeing awe-inspiring results. Such as lower post and pre-rescission period cancelations, increased customer engagement, higher level of customer experience, reduced portfolio delinquency, and lower overall marketing costs due to VOA providing this service at zero cost to the developer, saving developers thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.
Start your partnership with Vacation Ownership Advisor.